Ass.-Prof. Dr. Katharina Theresa Paul
Fotoquelle: privat.
Ass.-Prof. Dr. Katharina Theresa Paul
Tenure Track Professur: Digital Health Governance
Kolingasse 14-16/5. Stock, Raum 05.11
1090 Wien
T: +43-1-4277-494 38
Nach Vereinbarung
Lehrveranstaltungen: u:find
• 2004-2008 Dissertantin bei Prof. Maarten Hajer an der Universität Amsterdam (Amsterdam Institute of Social Science Research, AISSR).
• 2006 Forschungsaufenthalt an der University of Warwick (Center for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation) mit GARNET junior scholar mobility grant (EU 6. Rahmenprogramm).
• 2010-2013 Assistant professor in comparative health policy an der Erasmus Universität Rotterdam (Institute of Health Policy & management; iBMG). Forschung, Lehre und Drittmittelakquise.
• 2013-2016 Lise Meitner Fellowship (FWF) an der Universität Wien, Fakultät Sozialwissenschaften. Mitglied der Life-Science-Governance Forschungsplattform und Institut für Politikwissenschaft
• Seit Oktober 2022 Tenure Track Professorin für Digital Health Governance an der Universität Wien
Katharina Paul leitet ein sechsjähriges Projekt mit dem Titel "Valuing Vaccination" (VALUE VACC) und ein Team von fünf Nachwuchsforscher*innen. Mehr über ihre Gruppe finden Sie hier.
Vergleichende Politikfeldanalyse, Interpretative Policy-Forschung, Gesundheitspolitik, Regulierung, Medizin & Biopolitik, Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung
Forschungsprojekte und Aktivitäten
- VALUE-VACC - Valuing Vaccination: A multi-sited policy valuography (FWF START Preis, 2022-2028)
- KNOW-VACC: Knowledge production and governance in vaccination policy. A comparison of vaccination registries in Austria and the Netherlands. (Elise Richter Stelle V561, FWF, 2017-2021)
- "Impfpolitik in Österreich: SchülerInnen lesen mit" (FWF Top Citizen Science TCS14, Austrian Science Fund) (2016-2017)
- "Immunization politicized: the governance of cervical cancer prevention" (FWF M1477, Austrian Science Fund) (2013-2016)
- Journalmitarbeit bei Critical Policy Studies (editorial team, book notes/reviews)
- Mitglied des Advisory Board beim Journal of Health Policy, Economics & Law
Eine vollständige und regelmäßig aktualisierte Liste der Veröffentlichungen finden Sie hier.
- Paul, K.T. & Palfinger, T. (2020). Walking the (argumentative) talk using citizen science: involving young people in a critical policy analysis of vaccination policy in Austria. Evidence & Policy, fast track/first online.
- Paul, K. & Haddad, C. (2019). Beyond evidence vs. truthiness: Towards a symmetrical approach to knowledge and ignorance in policy studies. Policy Sciences , 52(2), 299–314.
- Paul, K.T. & Loer, K. (2019). Contemporary vaccination policy in the European Union: tensions and dilemmas. Journal of Public Health Policy, 4(2), 166–179.
- Paul, K.T. (2018). Collective Organization of Discourse Expertise using Information Technology – CODE IT! A citizen science case study of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccination debate. IT- Information Technology, 60(1), 21-27.
- Paul, K.T. & Straßheim, H. (2018). Consumer policy. In H. Heinelt and S. Münch (eds.) (2016) Handbook Of European Policy: Formation, Development and Evaluation. Edward Elgar, London.
- "Putting public health infrastructures to the test: Introducing HPV vaccination in Austria and the Netherlands”, forthcoming 2018 in Sociology of Health & Illness (vol 40, issue ) (mit Iris Wallenburg & Roland Ball)
- Paul, K.T. (2016) “’Saving lives’: Adapting and adopting HPV vaccination in Austria, Social Science & Medicine 153:193-200.
- Paul, K.T. and H. Straßheim (forthcoming) “Consumer policy“, in Heinelt, H. and S. Münch (eds.) (2016) Handbook Of European Policy: Formation, Development and Evaluation. Edward Elgar, London.
- Adams S., Paul K.T., Ketelaars C. and Robben P. (2015) “The use of mystery guests by the Dutch Health Inspectorate: Results of a pilot study in long-term intramural elderly care.” Health Policy 119: 821-830.
- Paul, K.T. and C. Haddad (2015) “Marx meets meaning: A critical encounter between historical materialism and interpretive policy analysis. A reply to Brand’s State, Context, Correspondence”. OZP – Austrian Journal of Political Science 44(1): 46-52.
- Paul, K. T., Avezaat, C. J. J., Friele, R. D., IJzermans, J. N. & Bal, R. A. (2013) "Organ donation as transition work: Policy discourse and clinical practice in The Netherlands". Health 18(4):369-87.
- Paul, K. T. (2012) "The Europeanization of food safety: a discourse-analytical approach". Journal of European Public Policy 19(4): 549-566.
- Paul, K. T. (2011) "From 'Politics in the Stable' to Stable Politics: Challenges and Continuities in Dutch Food Policy Discourse", in Science as Culture 20(2): 209-229.
- Paul, K. T. (2009) "Discourse analysis: an exploration of methodological issues and a call for methodological courage in the field of policy analysis", Critical Policy Studies 3(2): 240 - 253.
- Paul, K. T. (2008) "Thought for Food (Safety) in the EU: A discourse - analytical approach" GARNET Working Paper series 38/08.
- Paul, K. T. (2007) "Food for Thought: Change and Continuity in German Food Safety Policy", Critical Policy Analysis 1(1): 18-32.